Rosén, August, manufacturer — Portland — born in Bjurvalla, Öster-Våla, Västmanland, September 5, 1867. Went through elementary school, learned the carpenter profession and continued with that until the spring of 1889, when he went to America. Arrived in Portland on May 1 and was offered a position as a turner with the Nicolai Bros. Company. Since he could not speak the language he turned the job down. Instead he worked briefly as a timber faller and then found a job on a factory construction site in Oregon City. Rosén returned to Portland and on October 2 found a job with the Nicolai joinery shop. He stayed there until 1892 when he — together with Waldemar Seton — opened a book and stationary store. In 1893 he sold his share to Seton and continued as a carpenter with the company mentioned above. He stayed there until 1900. Following that he worked for the Universal Door Company until the fall of 1902, when he opened his own cabinet shop. The only machines he had were a band saw and a lathe which he had built himself. When he learned that he did not have enough equipment, he bought, together with two Norwegians, what is today known as Enterprise Planing Mill Company located at East Yamhill St. & Water St. A year later he bought the company with Mr. Malarky. It is still owned by Malarky & Rosén. The business has grown quickly and is today fully equipped with modern machines and employs a workforce of 30 men. Rosén is the president and manager of the company. He owns his own home on the corner of Clackamas St. & Wheeler St. He is a member of Swedish Society Linnea and Woodmen of the World. In 1895 he married Anna Nathalia Anderson, daughter of the former district judge Johnson of Törnsäter. They have three children.