Swedish Roots in Oregon has been collecting information about Swedish Immigrants to this area since its founding. We are gradually digitizing these data and uploading them either to our website or by use of a link to a national site called SWEAME (Swedish America Heritage Online). We are adding names and data to our database, the “Swedish Roots in Oregon” on the Swedish America Heritage Online website. The site may be reached by clicking on this link: SWEAME Genealogy “Search People” form. Be sure to choose the tree “Swedish Roots in Oregon” in the dropdown Tree field on the search page. From the website’s Home page, be sure to check the All Media link for Photographs, Headstone photos, and other Documents.
Membership Applications for the Swedish Society Linnea are a treasure trove of genealogical information. The Membership Applications can be found by searching in “All Media” using just the search word “Linnea”. Some Declaration of Intention forms from Clackamas County, scanned at the Oregon State Archives, can also be found by inquiring on “declaration of intention.” Be sure to change the tree to “Clackamas County.” For cemeteries in Oregon follow the “Cemeteries” link and scroll down to Oregon. Click on the various county names to see which cemeteries are listed and the burials recorded. Death Certificate scans, and headstone photographs may also be shown.
SWEAME, the host, has been gracious in making their site one about Swedes in Texas to a national listing. This may have advantages over just listings by each of the 50 states. SRIO is adding names, data, and documents as time allows to its database.
If you have information to share you may send it directly to SRIO at genealogy@swedishrootsinoregon.org.
We also invite inquiries and although our resources are limited and voluntary, we do have expertise and can help you with your Sweden-related genealogical research for a suggested donation of $50 per hour. Please send your questions to the above email address.
Do you need some Swedish documents translated to English? We can help you with that too for a suggested donation of $30 per hour. Send your document(s) to translations@swedishrootsinoregon.org
The following links may be helpful in finding Swedish connections; some are free and some require a subscription:
- Ancestry www.ancestry.com
- Arkiv Digital www.arkivdigital.net
- Augustana College: Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center swensoncenter@augustana.edu
- Castle Garden (USA immigration 1820-1892) www.castlegarden.org
- Centrala Soldatregistret www.soldatreg.se
- Demografisk Databas Södra Sverige www.ddss.nu
- Disbyt www.dis.se
- Ellis Island (USA immigration after 1892) heritage.statueofliberty.org
- Familj—Dela omtanke www.familj.se (family announcements from Swedish newspapers)
- FamilySearch www.familysearch.com
- Find a Grave www.findagrave.com
- Find a Swede www.findaswede.com
- Fonus www.minnessidor.fonus.se (obituaries)
- Gravsinveteringen www.grav.rotter.se (similar to Find a Grave but just for Sweden)
- My Heritage www.myheritage.com
- Oregon Historical Records Index www.genealogy.state.or.us
- Passenger Arrival Lists/National Archives www.archives.gov
- Riksarkivet www.riksarkivet.se
- Roteman database 1878-1926 (Stockholm City Archives) sok.stadsarkivet.stockholm.se
- Rötter www.rotter.se
- Swedpop (Sweden population statistics) www.swedpop.se
- Swedish American Heritage Online www.swedesintexas.com
- The Swedish Genealogy Guide www.swedishgenealogyguide.com