Johnson, J. F., shoemaker and merchant — Portland — born in Helsingborg on March 14, 1854. Went to sea at the age of 12 and visited a number of different countries. In 1871 he came ashore in New York, and shortly thereafter traveled to Chicago. For two years he worked on a farm between Elgin and St. Charles. Following that he was employed by a doctor in Batavia, Illinois, where he became ill and was urged to move to Colorado. There he regained his health and worked in smelters and mines in different parts of the state. In 1883 he went to Portland where he has lived continuously since, with the exception of a few months in 1898 when he visited Alaska. For 14 years he operated a goods delivery business; for one year he was a custodian in a school and for two years a policeman. In 1905 he opened the Scandinavian-American Shoe Store on 89 N. 6th Street. He is a member of the Swedish National Society. He has been a member of United Workmen and several other organizations. In 1880 he married Botilda Person from the area around Helsingborg; they have three children.