Who is Miss Ruth Nystrom of Arleta?

By David Anderson (photo credit Jane Åmark-Vikman) People who know me know I have an interest in Mount St. Helens and collect old postcards illustrating the mountain and surrounding area. I could give a dissertation on postal history and variations in cards using this image of the mountain since I have several in my collection.… Continue reading Who is Miss Ruth Nystrom of Arleta?

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The Princess Sophia Tragedy and a Portland Swedish-American Connection, Part 1

by David Anderson Genealogical research is a lot like being a Turnstone, a smaller shorebird that, as its name implies, turns stones and other flotsam in coastal areas as it looks for food in winter. What do Turnstones have to do with genealogy? They tell us that if we at first don’t succeed in finding… Continue reading The Princess Sophia Tragedy and a Portland Swedish-American Connection, Part 1

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